Friday, January 24, 2020


Our little Inari has been a challenge. She’s feisty and a little spit fire with an attitude. Also, clumsy. I’ve been so nervous since she’s learned how to walk. Over Christmas break she had two accidents.

The first one she fell and knocked her front tooth on a hard plastic toy. The tooth went completely back into her gums, you could barely see it at all. We got sent to a children’s dentist after the holidays where over. Thankfully other than it being crooked,  the tooth is coming back down by itself,  which is apparently a good sign. We go back in a few months to reassess everything, so *crossing fingers* everything goes ok!

Now, her second accident we went 4 weeks without answers. I assumed she had a fracture BUT nothing was showing on X-ray. When that happens they are called occult fractures. People with bone issues are more susceptible to these types of fractures. One thing I’ve learned over the years is if an X-ray isn’t showing a broken bone but it hurts and seems like there IS a fracture, than you splint and treat it as you would a fracture. 

December 27th I was giving her a bath. She went to try and flip from a sitting position onto her hands/ knee’s and I think she twisted her ankle. She was already upset and crying so I honestly wasn’t 100% sure if she hurt herself or just irritable as she had been lately in the evenings. Come morning, I knew something was broken. She was laying down after she woke up and wasn’t sitting up. This was not her norm. I picked her up and right away her entire body went rigid and she started wailing. It took a little bit to pin point what was hurting but I narrowed it down to her left leg, and my husband noticed her ankle/ foot area was the most sensitive.

Took her to ER which showed NO fractures. The ER doctor was very nice and knew what I was talking about when I mentioned broken bones not showing up on X-ray right away. Some ER doctors I’ve had seem to dismiss my knowledge on my children’s bone condition and basically say I’m wrong. Thankfully, we’ve also had some really great experiences with the doctors there too! He told us to come back in a couple days If she was still in pain. I waited 3, but unfortunately nothing was showing still.

Our girl’s paediatrician was on Christmas break so I had to go to a walk in clinic. I knew something wasn’t right and wanted it looked at. The doctor we seen said she thought it could be a ligament tear. Ok, that would make sense since the type of OI she has is because of defective collagen, which will affect not only the bones but ligaments/ tendons etc as well. So here’s another round of X-rays and an ultrasound (January 14th). Ultrasound called us back a few days later because they wanted more angles. I was hoping they seen something and needed to asses it further. Finally we could get an answer. Wrong. It’s now the 22nd and I find out that that neither the X-ray nor the ultrasound showed anything. The lady on the phone brushed it off because nothing was seen. I was very upset. My 17 month old daughter who was once running around the house still cannot even bare weight on her foot and we still don’t know why.

Since her paediatrician was back from the holidays we got in on the 23rd. He examines her foot. She’s not in much pain anymore, but she cannot stand at all. He gets me a requisition for another X-ray and says if nothing is showing that he will have to refer her to orthopaedics. 

24th, we go in the AM for X-rays and should get results back in a few days. Well right after her X-rays her foot was knocked hard enough and caused A LOT of pain. I wanted to wait til after her nap to see if she was better. She seemed ok but I could see she wasn’t moving her foot around like she was before. I tried putting a sock on when I had to pick up the older kids and she started crying. Since she just got xrays done a few hours ago, I was second guessing if I should bring her into the ER for X-rays again. Rang up her paediatrician and I was told to take her for X-rays again.

Well, after her 5th set of X-rays something is seen !!! She’s now in a half cast and on Sunday we see an orthopaedic surgeon. I asked if it was a hairline because If the bone was split in two wouldn’t they of seen it a long time ago? Apparently it’s not, but he didn’t say what type of fracture it is. I’m kinda nervous now & hoping that it isn’t serious. I’m assuming after her foot got bumped it made the fracture worse :(  .... I got major mom guilt going on. I’ll update again once I know more on Sunday

** Edit. I thought this last night, but my head was racing with a million thoughts. I’m going to see/ ask the doctor about her X-ray from before and than after her foot was bumped.... Assuming it was just a crack before it got bumped and that’s why it was missed. But because nobody would do anything about her fracture these last 4 weeks it couldn’t heal and got bumped because it wasn’t protected. I’m thinking it’s possibly broken through now and not just a crack. 100% no more having the doctors tell me “it isn’t broken” and letting them tell me what “isn’t” wrong with my babies when I know they have a broken bone 😤

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